Thursday, 22 October 2015

Wraith: he's like a boss

There's two things you need to know about Wraith. The first is that even though he's a Runner, he's actually a pretty good guy. The second is that he lies all the time.

This is the best photo you'll ever see of him
Now with that being said, let's talk about the guy. He's very camera shy for reasons that might become obvious, but he does cut a distinctive figure to say the least. He's pretty buff, clearly of NAN extraction and he has this really weird hair. Like, it's silver down one side, copper down the other and braided in the middle level weird. He claims that it's natural, but then again he's also given any number of other explanations as to how it came to be this way. Like I said, lies all the time.

Oh, and he also has these really cool tats; possibly even cooler then mine. A Ghost Wolf on his forehead, and then a second one running down the length of each arm and more on his back. At various stages he's claimed that they used to be magical or that they're his spirit beasts or something else. Like I said, lies all the time.

And while he doesn't actually hit on me (or neon, or Abbey), he definitely likes having lots of Elf ladies around him. Guy's a total horn dog, I swear. He once joked that if we get a mage on the team, it should be another woman while he was eyeing Cinders.

So that aside, he's actually pretty cool. He's been the closest thing we have to a team leader a lot of the time, and definitely is quite the tactician genius. He comes up with his plans on the fly and is able to adapt well and respond to changing circumstances and the unexpected (so, basically, every run ever) and definitely knows what to do with the men and equipment at his disposal. Yeah, not going to lie here; he's a better planner then me, whose ideas usually amount to run in and shoot at whatever I get a bead on.

He's also very big on planning the Runs as a whole; he examines the situation, looks at what we know and what we don't know (and tries to close that gap as best he can), looks at what we have at hand and then tries to put it all together to work out the best way to get in, get the objective and get out again. Generally he tries to minimize combat where possible, and often will go out of his way to ensure that we can take down any opposition quickly, quietly and by non-lethal means. Hell, we planned one entire run around that, but it was a special case.

Crockett EBR, Wraith's preferred way of making people dead
That doesn't mean he's a slouch in a gunfight; anything but. He's our number two gunman after me, and actually is a better shot then I am. His main gun is a Crockett EBR that he is deadly accurate with, be it point-blank range gun fighting or sniping from another building. He also has a number of other weapons on hand, and definitely seems to have a gun for every occasion. His other big thing, however, is his bow which he carries any number of different arrows for.

He doesn't use much in the way of Cyberware; he keeps commenting that he needs more if he's going to keep up with me (which is a lie; nobody can keep up with me) but is very much a 'raw talent and skill' sort of a guy. He's an excellent shot, great at sneaking, infiltration, recon and other such stuff and definitely knows what he's doing. A lot of that comes from his background; he was Salish special forces until something happened, and now there's an augmented hit-squad chasing down his old team. I can verify that this is true and not a lie. Also that the hit squad are good. Painfully such.

Which brings me to his final weird thing he's got going on. He's amazingly altruistic for a Shadowrunner. It's not just that he's spent a lot of time building us up allies and the like (which is useful) but he's actually been putting into the community where we live. He's set up a soup kitchen, is providing jobs for the otherwise unemployed, getting gangs out of the area and so on. It's... strange. Not what I expected, certainly.

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