Sunday, 18 June 2017

How not to be seen: a guide for avoiding Blood Magic

One thing about being a Runner is that often the jobs will come out of completely unexpected sources. It’s a part of the world, really; after all, you’re being paid to commit crimes and work outside the law. Of course people aren’t going to be walking around shouting about how they’re looking for you to go do something grossly illegal for them. But even then, allowing for that, you do get some strange ones on occasion.

The other thing you need to know is that often the difference between A professional runner and somebody who just happens to be in the right place at the right time is often very, very slim.

Both of these elements were key to the last Run we went on. It came out of nowhere, involved somebody who hadn’t ever really considered being a Runner but had the right skills and, as a bonus, also had an outcome that was completely unexpected when all the signs pointed in a completely different direction.