Slicer had called Ashely while she was at work
(Staff weren't allowed to use Commlinks while on the floor except for work
purposes), leaving behind a rather short and almost erse message for her to
meet him at his place that evening. While that wasn't unusual in and of itself,
what had struck her was the way he was handling it. Usually he gave her more
notice, and usually his approach was more suggesting or asking then the almost
demanding tone she was getting here.
None the less she was still eager to go. It
wasn't just that every little bit helped bring her further and further into the
world of the Shadows and the life she so craved that id it. It was the fact
that, at the same time, every little step made Ashley's life seem just that
extra bit more unbearably bland and dull. With nights filled with action, violence,
excitement and danger, a day of telling customers where to find toilet paper
and about this week's sale on Soy Chips seemed even more banal then ever.